Monday, September 7, 2009


Summer has ended and school has slowly taken over my life. I expected this, so no surprises were made in that area.
BUT several things have crept into my life that I love or hate.

The first surprise of fall 09 is work. I got a job. I love my job. I don't work a lot and the hours I do work are flexible. My boss is an amazing woman. I help sort t-shirts, hot press t-shirts and maybe one day I will print t-shirts, but for now I do what is needed. I have only worked one day, but I can tell that this will be something I will enjoy doing for a while.

The second surprise is how amazing it feels to actually be living on my own. I love it. I love my roommates and everything that we have put into this place. I love walking to class. Those morning and afternoon walks bring me closer to the Lord everyday.

And the final surprise is something from far right field. I NEVER saw this coming this soon. I think I wanted it to happen, but now that it has it freaks me out. I am so terrified that I am misunderstanding what the Lord is telling me. My prayer about a thousand times a day is that the Lord protects my heart and that my heart is also open to different opportunities involving this person. I prayed that the Lord kept him away from me if nothing is to come from this. BUT the Lord said His power is greater and put this particular person e v e r y w h e r e . literally, every event I went to he was there. So, I know that the Lord put this person in my life for a reason, and figuring it out right now is not so fun when a ball of emotion is scrambling inside of me wanting to explode.

Lord, give me the patience to wait.