Monday, November 30, 2009

Freedom in the Lord

I cannot believe that this semester only has 3 weeks left. 3 horrific weeks ahead of me.

The Lord has been doing wonders to my heart over the past couple of months. I am continuing to grow in His word. I have been studying different people in the Old Testament and I have loved all of them, because they help me realize that I can mess up and make mistakes, but God still loves me and He still uses me to glorify His name. It also helped realize that God is not here to make me feel comfortable. He is not here to make life easy. His purpose is to spread His name throughout the world and He is going to use me to do that.

I haven't really been praying about doing missions over seas, because I think I am scared. I am scared, because I know what the answer will be. Following God is never going to be easy and it takes courage. Right now I am praying for courage. The Lord told my mom along time ago that I was supposed to go. But figuring it out on my own is the difficult part. Everything has always been spoon fed to me and this past year I have grown up and I have dug deep into the word. I have discovered new and exciting things through following God's Will. I pray for faith. True faith.

Abraham took up everything and left his home. 12 verses in Hebrews 11 was dedicated to Abraham's faith. He made mistakes on his journey, but the Lord still fulfilled His promise.

I want to surrender everything. Nothing I have is mine. Why is it so hard to let go of something that is not even mine to begin with?