Sunday, December 12, 2010

clear my mind and open my eyes

I had misplaced an important piece of jewelry to me. I only discovered the lost necklace, because once again I am packing. My heart started to race and I got very flustered and hot. I paused to pray then immediately looked in every place I could think of. I ran to the bathroom drawer then to the closet where all my jewelry is stored. No sign of the necklace.

if you do not know me that well...I can't find things to save my LIFE! promise. NEVER ask me to look for something, because I will not find it. I could stare at it for a good minute and it will not click.

OK, back to the lost necklace.

I was trying really hard not to freak out. I kept thinking...
"it is just a worldly item."
"I don't need it."
"Oh, My, Gosh!"
"Grandpa gave this to me."
"I feel terrible."
"I'm super hot right now."
"Just breathe."
"Lord, where is it?"

I looked on top of the dresser in a little basket with random things. I FOUND THE NECKLACE...with the charm no where to be seen. My heart sank. That was the most important part. I started to panic again. Things went flying everywhere. I was on the verge of tears.

"Lord, please don't let this be happening right now. I know this is just material and it means nothing once I am in your presence, but Grandpa gave me this five years ago. I will be heartbroken if I truly lost it. Clear my head and open my eyes."

Maybe I will check my jewelry organizer again. As I searched the pockets for the SECOND time I found the beautiful rain drop shape charm. I just stared at it. "Thank you, Jesus!" I have felt the Holy Spirit quite a bit lately and it gives me chills when I realize that without His voice and guidance I would not be the person I am today.

"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." Acts 20:24

This year was full of surprises.

the good, bad, and the ugly

I wouldn't have perservered through any of them without my Maker there to encourage me the entire way.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My Strength Comes From My Maker

Do you ever have those days where you don't know what is happening?
...You are so sleep deprived everything is funny?
...You want to eat everything in sight?
...You lose appreciation for the simple things?

I have been fighting these emotions the last couple of days. Luckily, I have not fallen into the trap. I stayed strong...except the "laugh at everything" part. I can't control that, even when I am sane.

I have been walking/jogging several times a week. This makes me feel better and gives me more energy to conquer the following days.

I am unoffcially an Aunt. This brings me joy and I cannot wait to hold her in my arms : )

I drink wayy more coffee than I ever have. Some days my body accepts it, others it rebels and gives me the shakes.

The Texas State Fair was a lot of fun. I tried like 20 different fried things. Delish. I also learned that I am too old to ride on the rides...

One thing that has popped up in my vision lately is how faithful, gracious, wonderful, amazing, and terrific my Savior is. He opened my eyes to things that I was blinded to, which made me appreciate Him more than ever. He brought me peace with my discovery, which made me fall in love with Him even more.

Trusting that He is leading me where He wants me to go, has become easier and easier with every step.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bells are Ringing

As I sit watching the Cowboys play Da Bears, memories rush into my mind from last year. Last year I was just a college student enjoying the game with several boys I had fun with. I want it to be last year again. I want it to go back to how I felt about those boys, the game, my life, and my emotions.

I am no longer a college student, so my director tells me. I am an intern who should have only one day out of the week to myself. All other days should be filled with work, writing lessons, grading papers, and thinking of something you could change about a paper.

Growing up is fun, but hard. I am enjoying everything I am doing during my internship and it has led me to the conclusion that I cannot wait to have my own classroom. At the same time it has created a distance between my heart and Denton. I miss the people who challenged me with my walk, who always put a smile on my face, and who were a blast to be around.

I am tired of being exhausted all the time. I sleep more than I should, yet at the same time I don't get enough sleep. It is such a weird equation.

[cowboys are on the 1 yard line!!]

I am so grateful that my best friend for life is getting married in 6 days. Not only because that is an exciting time in her life, but because I get to see people I haven't seen or talked to in a while. I am filled with joy to celebrate the uniting of two hearts with people that I love.

[cowboys scored! 14-10]

This post was to say congrats to Lauren and Taylor, hurray for partying with great friends, boo for growing up and leaving friends behind, and yay for new experiences.

Keep up the faith.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Heart Pitter-Patters for You

First Summer Sesh-check
Two A's in first summer sesh-check
Start second summer sesh and be overwhelmed-check

I went to the most amazing ranger game. It would have been their 12th in a row win..except they lost. It was amazing, because God is soo good. His creation speaks to me and it was yelling at me that night. It rained a little bit before the game and even some during it, which left the sky filled with a gorgeous sunset.

This was only half of the beauty we witnessed. The sky was all kinds of yellow and orange behind us. SOO beautiful! I am also obsessed with giant glowing moons.

It was wonderful. I was afraid the clouds would cover it, but nope. It looked onto us all night.

What truly made this night wonderful was the person I was with. I don't have a picture cuz he doesn't like pictures..this shall soon change. This boy has a huge heart and I am so excited to see where the Lord takes him. I don't know that much about him, but what I do know, I adore.

Getting close to someone makes me anxious. I never know what to do, but I continue to pray and I know that the Lord placed him in my life at this moment for a reason. I want to follow the Lord's guidance in every situation and ignore my flesh...not so easy.

LIBBY IS DRIVING!!! this would be OK if I didn't have car anxiety and she didn't do things like slam the brakes at a light that just turned yellow as we're about to roll through the intersection...

I saw this on a girls neck today and it brought me encouragement, so I will leave it with the one person who reads this :)

Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.-Romans 12:12

Friday, June 18, 2010

I am putting on my big girl panties and dealing with it!

I have a list--day zero project
I have completed some of them so far, which makes me really excited to start the hard things on my list, like ride a bike ;)

School is fairly easy this semester, which I expected. My health professor is crazyy nuts! But she makes the class interesting--sometimes.

The Lord is working hard on me these past couple of months. I feel Him in every move I make, but I somehow still try and push Him away. I don't mean to, it just happens. I need to get into a good habit of diving into the word.

Australia is still on my list of things to look into, but I think I got so overwhelmed that I thought it would be easier to not think about it. I need that motivation back. I need to stop thinking about where I will be when the time comes, because two months ago the Lord rocked my world with many changes and I need to go through with the things I felt Him say to me.

I really want to see my parents. Hopefully I will get to in a month :)

Don't excite love, don't stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you're ready. Song of Songs 2:7

Monday, April 26, 2010

be strong and take heart

I went to Fry Street for the first time in my college career. I live on Fry St. Some would call this strange. I would call it smart.

Dear Jack,
Thank you for the drink. AND thank you for getting spit on, because that led to another free drink :)

I also saw an old friend. It is weird that I have walked by his work everyday for a year and probably drive by his house often, yet I run into him the ONE time I am out.

Thanks for a good night.

The next night we went to Pete's Piano bar. This place is a blast and I have every intention of taking LO for her bachelorette party! Get ready girrl! :)

I could have stayed there for hours. I am glad it was not crowded. I might have been fussy.

and a side note.
I love running through the rain.
no joke.

The Mavs need to win. period. no excuses. It is like Dallas has a curse on teams doing fantastic all year, but then playoffs come and they stink. Good thing basketball is best out of 7.

I have been struggling and I didn't ever know it until spending some much needed alone time with the Lord. I have so many things running through my mind. I cannot concentrate on one thing. I have a zillion projects due next week. I have a perfect planner, but I can never seem to follow it.

Writing Psalms in third person helped me realize a lot. Things that I already know, but things that are encouraging to hear every now and then.

"Wait for me, Lacey.
Be strong, courageous, bold, encouraged, loved, slow to speak, obedient.
Continue to wait for me, Lacey.
For I am coming soon."
Psalm 27:14

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Last week was full of mood swings. I was mostly blah on Sunday and part of Monday. I was doing a lot of thinking...more than I should. Mainly because I was sitting in a huge house all by myself trying to do homework, but always found myself looking for a movie on demand. I came across Revolutionary Road, which is super depressing.

It made me start thinking about marriage and how far (to my knowledge) I am from it.
Being a wife is part of me. I can feel it every time I find a new recipe, do a load of laundry, clean the apartment, and even snuggle in bed with a good book or movie. I want to share my life with another being. But not just some other person who happens to smile at me when I am having a weak moment.

He will be a man who sweeps me off my feet with subtle touches of my hand and slight glances from across the room. He will pursue me and then woo me in. He will love Jesus more than me. I will get lost in his eyes and intoxicated off of his smell. He will know who he is and stand firm in his decisions. I will fall in love with him more and more each day.
He will be a complete gentleman.

Forgive me. I just spent the past two days reading a pioneer woman's love story, which was perfect in every single way. It was real, which appealed to me most, because as much as I love a good cheesy love movie, I hate the message in portrays to woman..and I guess males. That is why I absolutely LOVE 500 days of summer! So real.

PW's love for this man was hesitant at first. She had her own life, problems and plans. The last thing she wanted was to be in love with a man after just getting out of (actually not completely done with that boy) a 4 year relationship. But this man was smooth and took the two weeks he knew they would have together and swept her off her feet. He said what he felt when he felt it. No games with this guy. How suave. The only thing I did not like about the story was that she called him her 'savior'. WRONG. They are tools into helping you discover what you were meant to do on this earth, while we glorify His name and wait for Jesus' return.

I have been overwhelmed with all the things I have not thought about with MOVING overseas. Dang. I need to start looking at everything instead of keeping my eyes on sitting by the beach and looking at beautiful Australian boys. I need a job, place to live, visa, bank account, money, a feel of how the government works, a feel of the people, and I need to graduate! Even though it is another year away, it is coming fast! And I have to contact some schools soon to see if they will be hiring next summer or fall...which will be like the 2nd or 3rd term already. Times like these I am thankful for my adventurous professor who seems to have taught everywhere, no joke!
This time in my life leaves me excited, nervous, and hesitant. I need to bathe this in prayer.
UGH! Look at this place. I want this so badly. I do not know why. I have never talked about living abroad, up until a couple of months ago. These feelings are new and I am still trying to process them and put it into words, because some people (cough*dad*cough) want to know what brought this desire on. All I can say is God. This sudden passion to spread the gospel out of my comfort zone scares me, but I feel that this is something that I need to experience.

2010 has been good to me.

January-1st friend wedding/first wedding to be involved
-visited Georgia for a good while cuz Dad lived to be 50!
-discovered I want to be a professional party thrower (Lo and Tay's engagement party)
-Jessica's pregnant! :)

February-Rodeo(as always)
-applied for PDS @ Grapevine-Colleyville school district
-realized that I want to teach abroad.

March-Road trip to Houston to see the Jonas Brothers!
-First level at the Mavs game!
-22nd birthday!
-Puerto Vallarta with Nana! (road in taxi by myself)
-Cousin Jackson was born :)

April-best cousin photo shoot, ever
-mom and libby came to visit
- I got accepted into the GCISD cadre
-one year anniversary of my dear grandpa's death.

through all of this, I have fallen more in love with the Lord. I have found joy in His presence. I strive to glorify God in all that I do.

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."
Philippians 1:27

"..Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." Colossions 1:10

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sydney, Australia

So, this is where I want to teach when I graduate next May. Sweet, huh?? I am still doing a lot of research and I have doubts, but I am super excited to discover where the Lord is leading me! They speak English, though different, I will understand them better than if I went to Japan. It is a BEAUTIFUL setting that Lord created. I want to bring glory to God, and I have such a peace with this decision.

please pray that this will work out :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God's Unfailing Love

I would do almost anything to put off homework...

The bachelor, Jake, lives in the same community my grandmother does. In my opinion, the show is a bunch of bull and the worlds view at love sucks. Media has skewed love into being something that is perfect. An emotion that will never go through ups and downs. The only love that is perfect is God's love. That is the only perfection we will ever feel, yet we seem to always doubt Him. As humans, if we can doubt our creator, Father, lover, and friend...then what makes us think that another human is perfect and the love they supply is perfect? People will let you down. They will make mistakes. BUT they will only hurt you if you believe they are not capable of hurting you. If you put them on a pedestal, then they will break your heart, because they have to come down eventually.

May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. -2 Thessalonians 3:5

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands. -Deuteronomy 7:9

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. -1 Chronicles 16:34

All my intimate friends detest me; those I love have turned against me. -Job 19:19
((people will let you down, turn to the Lord))

I could seriously go on a very long time quoting scripture about God's amazing love. But I believe this sermon does it a lot better than I can. If you have time listen to God's word.
((scroll down to 10/25/09 which is about love in marriage OR 2/28/10 which is about feeling accepted))

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I must get everything out on here, before I explode and say mean things that I will regret later. I have been in this place of the unknown for so long and every time I feel like I have escaped I get sucked right back in. The Lord is funny and I believe all this is happening so I will turn to Him and continue to have faith that He will provide. I don't even know my own feelings. I would love to say that I understand my heart, but I really don't want to. Jeremiah 17:9 states "The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out." I don't want to follow my heart. My heart will lead me astray. I want to follow God and His plan for my life. This journey of figuring that out is getting old and I just want answers. I feel that I have been waiting patiently and that my time is here. It is my turn to be happy. The verse after continues to say "But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. I get to the root of things. I treat them as they really are, not as they pretend to be." WOW. Fall on my knees is awe of my King. He knows my desires, but maybe what I want is not what is going to bring Glory to Him. After all, that is why I am here. The past 7 months have shown me a lot about my faith in Him. I would pray constantly for a certain thing. That He would take this boy out of my life completely, because I did not want to like him. Well, God had other plans. This boy is a good friend of mine. I still pray that prayer though, but instead of taking him out of my life, I pray for this boys heart. That the Lord would tug on it and that he would be transformed. The state of the unknown comes into play here. I know nothing about how he feels...nothing. I am scared. I am scared to take that next step and put my heart on that line. Everyone keeps telling me their two cents, but in the end it is up to the Lord and what He wants. I believe I am doing what I am supposed to be. waiting. waiting. smiling. waiting. crying. waiting. waiting.

be in prayer that I research the opportunities the Lord wants me to take.