Sunday, June 19, 2011

Step One

A few months ago I was fine with being alone.
A few months ago I was in a classroom of 2nd graders who adored me and I adored them.
A few months ago I didn't have a job.
A few months ago I was in college depending on my parents for my income.
A few months ago I was talking my sister out of going to Texas Tech.
A few months ago I was a different person.

Now, I have the desire to be loved by a man.
Now, I no longer see the adorable children I looked forward to teaching.
Now, I am a nanny to 3 beautiful children who wear me out.
Now, I have graduated and am making my own income.
Now, my sister will only be 5 hours away instead of 15.
Now, I want my relationship with Christ to mean more to me than the day before.

It seems crazy to me that the Lord can change my heart in such a short amount of time. He is continuously teaching me new things about myself. The past few sermons I have heard have been about finding what you are passionate about and letting Christ shine through them. God has given you the freedom to be creative, but it is what you do with those gifts that make the difference.

I have an entire list of things I am passionate about.
But the ONE true passion of mine is to be around children and listen to their stories. They have (for the most part) no fears. I long for that childlike faith.

I want to take the first step towards my Saviors plans for me.

"To know the Gospel & not share it with everyone is like having the cure for cancer & not telling the dying. It is a crime." Rick Warren