Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Heart Pitter-Patters for You

First Summer Sesh-check
Two A's in first summer sesh-check
Start second summer sesh and be overwhelmed-check

I went to the most amazing ranger game. It would have been their 12th in a row win..except they lost. It was amazing, because God is soo good. His creation speaks to me and it was yelling at me that night. It rained a little bit before the game and even some during it, which left the sky filled with a gorgeous sunset.

This was only half of the beauty we witnessed. The sky was all kinds of yellow and orange behind us. SOO beautiful! I am also obsessed with giant glowing moons.

It was wonderful. I was afraid the clouds would cover it, but nope. It looked onto us all night.

What truly made this night wonderful was the person I was with. I don't have a picture cuz he doesn't like pictures..this shall soon change. This boy has a huge heart and I am so excited to see where the Lord takes him. I don't know that much about him, but what I do know, I adore.

Getting close to someone makes me anxious. I never know what to do, but I continue to pray and I know that the Lord placed him in my life at this moment for a reason. I want to follow the Lord's guidance in every situation and ignore my flesh...not so easy.

LIBBY IS DRIVING!!! this would be OK if I didn't have car anxiety and she didn't do things like slam the brakes at a light that just turned yellow as we're about to roll through the intersection...

I saw this on a girls neck today and it brought me encouragement, so I will leave it with the one person who reads this :)

Rejoice and exult in hope; be steadfast and patient in suffering and tribulation; be constant in prayer.-Romans 12:12