Sunday, February 27, 2011


I need to learn to let go of the things I have no control over. I usually don't have so much stress kept up inside of me, but I feel like I am surrounded by people who do not understand what I am going through. My fellow student teachers have all passed the test. It has been one day, one long day and I am about to lose my mind. I took a nap today, not because I was tired (although that was part of it), but because I needed to turn off my mind and relax. I can't tell you the last time I relaxed.

I am writing this down, so I can get it off my chest. I feel like I am crashing down and I cannot stop it. I feel my God doing the best He can to comfort me and surround me with people who care. I will be forever grateful for that, but I still feel myself backing up into a corner.

I don't want to hear anymore about the economy and zero jobs for teachers. I just want to focus on one day at a time. I need to get passed tomorrow, because my students depend on me to bring all of my personality and joy to the classroom. That is when I feel they learn more, when I want to be there. Last week was rough and I know they could feel my lack of concentration. I don't want this week to be the same.

Lord, bring me new joy in the morning! Let your light shine down!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unexpected Surprises

My new 2nd graders are great!
No class will ever compare to my amazing 3rd graders, but I was spoiled with them.

In the first month they have tested me, hugged me, and apologized to me.

  • One little boy decided it would be OK to do the entire Thriller dance (including sing) during a math lesson.
  •  I got on to another boy, because he was not listening and following directions. After school he ran up to me and decided to let me know that he did not want me to be mean and he is sorry for not listening. I continued to tell him that he has yet to see me mean...
  • The "Thriller Boy" convinced me that he had to go to the bathroom and it was an emergency (even though he asks to go every minute) I gave in and told him to hurry. He ran to the door, turned around and laughed an evil laugh as he ran out the door...never again will he go to the bathroom during my class.
  • "Thriller Boy's" birthday was this week. 
me-"How old are you going to be?"
thriller boy-"8"
me-"wow, you're getting old!"
TB-"I don't wanna be old. Old people die."
me-"oh, well yeah. that is life."
TB-"my Grandma died."
me-"my Grandpa died a couple years ago."
TB-"HA! I win the Grandpa contest!!"
me-"well then I win the Grandma contest...?"
TB-confused/frustrated face
me-"we are even."

I never know what the day will bring, which makes me love teaching.